The Serbian Patriarch sends condolences concerning the devastating earthquake in Italy
Church of Serbia- August 2016
President of the Republic of Italy
Rome – Italy
Honorable Mr. President,
We are deeply shocked by the news on the devastating earthquake which struck Italy all of a sudden. The hearts of thousands of relatives bear indelible scars due to a huge number of the deceased, the injured and the missing ones.
On the behalf of the fullness of the Serbian Orthodox Church and on Our own behalf, please accept sincere condolences on the pain of the families of the tragically deceased and the heavily injured in this extraordinary tragedy.
To You personally and to all the people who have been entrusted to You, the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Serbian people, with sorrow in the heart, send our sincere prayerful wishes and moral support for the fast recovery and spiritual consolation in these hard times of the disaster.
We pray to the God to grant repose of the souls to all the tragically perished, fast recovery to the injured, and consolationto the relatives for their pain, and that the Italian people may overcome the present diffuculties.
His Excellency
Ambassador of the Republic of Italy
Your Excellency,
On behalf of the Serbian Orthodox people and on Our own behalf, please accept Our deep and sincere condolence on the occasion of the tragedy that struck the Republic of Italy – a devastating earthquake which took a huge number of human lives and caused material damages across your beautiful country.
Sincerely sharing the pain with the people of Italy, we pray to God the Merciful One that the appaling sufferings come to an end, and that the missing persons be found safe so that they may return to the embrace of their closest ones.
We use this opportunity to request Your Excellency that Our letter of condolence, sent to the President of the Republic of Italy – Mr. Sergio Mattarella, be kindly forwarded to His Excellency the President.
Sincerely Yours,
176439 946945so considerably wonderful details on here, : D. 464293
921974 569494Over and more than once again I consider these concern. As a matter of fact it was not even yesterday that I last thought about it. To be honest, what is your thought though? 846251