The Priests from Bucharest and Ilfov Region on a Conference at the Patriarchal Palace


On 7 November 2011, His Beatitude Daniel, Archbishop of Bucharest, Metropolitan of Muntenia and Dobrudgea, Locum tenens of the Throne of Caesarea of Cappadochia and Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church chaired the autumn semestral pastoral missionary conference of the priests of Bucharest and Ilfov region, in “Patriarch Teoctist” Aula Magna of the Patriarchal Palace”. The theme of the meeting was the “Homage Year 2011 of the Holy Sacraments of the Holy Baptism and of the Holy Matrimony”. Over 600 priests of the three deaneries of Bucharest and two deaneries of Ilfov participated.

To start with the meeting, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel delivered a speech entitled: “The Holy Baptism and Holy Matrimony in the Life of the Church – the Need of Deep Theology, Correct Religious Service and Efficient Pastoral Service”.

Four priests assigned to speak about the Holy Sacraments of Baptism and Matrimony took the floor:

-Rev. Tudor Ciocan within Deanery II Capital who spoke about: Holy Sacraments of Baptism and of the Holy Matrimony, at the religion classes and catechistic programmes;

-Rev. Prof. Dr. Vasile Gavrilă of Deanery III Capital and Rev. Marius Buguci of Deanery Ilfov North spoke on the theme: Sacrament of the Holy Matrimony and Giving Birth to Children as a Gift and Blessing of the Christian Family;

-Rev. Lecturer Jan Nedela from “Patriarch Justinian” Orthodox Faculty of Bucharest spoke on the theme: Issue of the Mixed Families, from an Inter-confessional and Inter-religious Point of View (Baptism of the Children in the Mixed Families).

His Beatitude has also presented the priests the latest editorial publication on the two Holy Sacraments: The Holy Baptism and Holy Matrimony Today. Theological, Liturgical and Pastoral Guide. The Guide is designed to prevent and correct some wrong practices. The book has vome out at the “Cuvântul vieţii” Publishing House of the Metropolitanate of Muntenia and Dobrudgea.


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