The Patriarch of Romania at the Episcopal Cathedral of Deva

On 9 November 2014, the 24th Sunday after Pentecost, the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church participated in the Divine Liturgy celebrated in the Cathedral of “Saints Peter and Paul the Apostles and Saint Hierarch Nicholas” of Deva city.

The religious service was celebrated by His Eminence Laurentiu, Metropolitan of Transylvania, together with a group of hierarchs made up of His Eminence Irineu, Archbishop of Alba Iulia, His Eminence Timotei, Archbishop of Arad, His Grace Lucian, Bishop of Caransebes, His Grace Sofronie, Bishop of Oradea, His Grace Nicodim, Bishop of Severin and Strehaia, His Grace Galaction, Bishop of Alexandria and Teleorman, His Grace Gurie, Bishop of Deva and Hunedoara, His Grace Macarie, Romanian Orthodox Bishop of Northern Europe, His Grace Andrei Fagarasanul, Assistant Bishop to the Archdiocese of Sibiu, His Grace Paisie Lugojeanul, Assistant Bishop to the Archdiocese of Timisoara, as well as of priests and deacons.

To end with the religious service, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel spoke about the meaning of the Evangelical Pericope of the Gospel according to Saint Luke, 8:41-56, which read about the healing of Iair’s daughter and of the woman’s who had been ill for 12 years. The Saviour found a very strong faith at the latter one, showed His Beatitude: “Both in the first case, of the healing of the woman who had been suffering from haemorrhages for 12 years, and in the second case, of Iair’s daughter, Jesus Christ, the Saviour, gives healing as an answer to much lowliness, faith and merciful love. This is why today’s Gospel is a Gospel of healing and hope. A great teacher for us is the woman who had been suffering from haemorrhages for 12 years because she understood that good health is a gift of God which must be kept, and if we lose it, we must get it back. She is not a fatalistic woman, but she fights against her disease and wants to be in good health again. She had spent all her fortune to get the gift of good health back, and coming close to her power and seeing the failure of the medical science, of the physicians she met, she understood that the only physician who could heal her was Jesus of Nazareth, Who had healed lots of sick people and raised lots of sinners, because He is the life Giver and Source of kindness and of merciful healing power.”

The Patriarch of Romania offered the Episcopal Cathedral a blessing cross, liturgical books and other books dedicated to the Brancovean Saints Martyrs.

His Grace Bishop Gurie thanked His Beatitude, in his turn, for the visit and the blessing brought to the faithful of Hunedoara through the presence of the relics of Saint Constantine Brancoveanu here: “We met Your Beatitude in Deva hoping not to deceive the confidence Your Beatitude and the members of the Holy Synod conferred me with when they appointed me five years ago to the recently set up Eparchy of Deva and Hundeoara. During the time you spent here you could see some of our administrative settlement and aspects of the spiritual involvement of the Diocese in the life of the city. I assure you, Your Beatitude that both I personally and our clergy make efforts to integrate our religious service in the reality that God works and manifests in the celebration of every feast, for the Kingdom of God”.

The answers during the celebration were given by “Sacerdotes” chorus of the Diocese of Deva and Hunedoara.



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