The Patriarch Of Romania: „The Deeds Of The Christian Mercy Bring Much Spiritual Healing Wherever There Is Sufferance And Loneliness”

On 20 March 2011, the Orthodox Church was on the 2nd Sunday, of the Lent, also called of Saint Gregory Palama. The Evangelical pericope of Mark chapter II, lines 1 – 12, relating about the healing of the weak man of Capernaum, was read in all the Orthodox churches.

In the sermon delivered at the end of the Divine Liturgy in the chapel of “Saint Gregory the Enlightener” of the Patriarchal Residence, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel emphasised the example of merciful love: “Here is a Gospel of healing, as well as a Gospel of the spiritual life. When the Saviour calls somebody son or daughter, it means that He has seen much faith in that soul. So, this weak man could not talk, but he had much faith. Here we also see the merciful love of the four men who took the weak one to Jesus Christ, as well as their good deed. Besides much prayer, fasting, repentance, we must also do good deeds to help our fellow beings, no matter if they are sick, poor or sad. These deeds of Christian mercy bring much spiritual healing, much comfort wherever there is sufferance and loneliness. The four men who help the sick one to go to Jesus Christ, our Saviour, to have his sins forgiven and be healed, represent the Church of Christ who prays not only for those present, but also those who cannot be present at the religious services of the Church for various reasons”.

“This Sunday is also called the Sunday of Saint Gregory Palama”, said the Patriarch of Romania, showing the theological dimension of the teaching of Saint Gregory Palama: “Theologian of the uncreated grace, of the never setting light in the Kingdom of God, Saint Gregory Palama shows that salvation is not only the forgiveness of the sins, but also getting the Kingdom of Heaven. He has also been a monk at the Holy Mount Athos. He lived in that part of the Mount where Prodromu Romanian skete is located now. Saint Gregory Palama has become Archbishop of Thessaloniki and taught the people, on the basis of the Holy Scriptures and on that of the saints’ experience, that this glory, of the love of the Holy Trinity, can be foretasted ever since this world by the humble prayerful men whom God enables to feel the joy of the glory of the Kingdom of the Holy Trinity like Saints Peter, James and John the Apostles, on Tabor Mountain”, informs Trinitas Radio station.


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