“The Faith We Hold” by Archbishop Paul (Olmari) is released in a Russian-Chinese edition
The Chinese Orthodox Church
English translation by Nina Tkachuk Dimas
PRAVMIR. “The Faith We Hold”, the well-known book by Archbishop Paul (Olmari) of Finland has been released jointly by the publishing house “Alavastr” together with Hong Kong’s Orthodox Brotherhood of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.
The author succinctly sets out the basic doctrine for a reader unfamiliar with the systematic theology of the Orthodox Church.
The publication is dedicated to the 300 hundredth anniversary of the Beijing Mission which is being observed this year. This is the first Russo-Chinese edition using traditional Chinese characters for Chinese readers.
The publication was approved by the [OFASC] Commission on Translation of Orthodox literature into Chinese. The book was published in Russia in collaboration with Metropolitan Longin of Saratov and Volsk.