The 40th Anniversary Celebration of the Brotherhood of Orthodox Youth in Poland Held

The 40th Anniversary Celebration of the Brotherhood of Orthodox Youth in Poland Held

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OCP News Service – 9/9/21

Warsaw-Poland: A commemorative event dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Brotherhood of Orthodox Youth in Poland took place in Hajnówka on the 4th of September 2021. Divine Liturgy was celebrated by, Archbishop Gregory, and Bishop Andrzej at the Cathedral of St. Mary Magdalene. Metropolitan-Primate Sawa served a thanks giving service.

On the occasion, Archbishop Gregory stated that “Today we thank God for the beautiful opportunity to be together, for the fact that we can pray together during the liturgy, which is the most essential expression of our thanksgiving for all that God does in our lives. We should begin and end everything in our lives with thanksgiving. Brothers and Sisters, we should do our best to keep our faith alive. We must remain sons and daughters of the Church. The Holy Eucharist must become our source of life. Eucharistic life is like a heartbeat. It has to have its own rhythm, its frequency. If we reject St. Eucharist, we do ourselves great harm, we give up salvation”.

Metropolitan-Primate Sawa commented that “the Brotherhood of Orthodox Youth in Poland exists and conducts its activities in accordance with the assumption, that is, it gives the modern world a witness of Eucharistic life and unity. For only in union with the Church, in mutual unity, can we achieve the goal of union with God”.

Metropolitan Sawa, referring to the difficult circumstances in which the brotherhood began its activities, drew attention to the fact that only in unity with the Church can one overcome problems.

The Metropolitan congratulated the Brotherhood of Orthodox Youth on its jubilee and thanked everyone involved in its activities over the last 40 years, for their efforts and dedication. Wishing God’s blessing, health and all the prosperity, he encouraged the guardians of spiritual brotherhoods to undertake bold and varied activities in their work with young people and children.

A meeting of members of the brotherhood, clergy and other events followed.

OCP News Service

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