Tag: Serbian Orthodox

The role of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the preservation of identity of diaspora

OCP- June 9, 2012

8/6/2012 Serbian Unity Congress and the Ministry for Religion and Diaspora organized a Round table discussion with the topic "The role of the Serbian Orthodox ... Read More

KFOR mission in Kosovo: Serbs out?

OCP- June 7, 2012

John Robles Moscow Times 6/6/2012 Interview with priest-monk Father Ksenofont from the Orthodox eparchy of Raska-Prizren in exile in Kosovo. Regarding the events of last ... Read More

Communique of the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church

OCP- May 30, 2012

30/5/2012 The regular meeting of the Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church took place at the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade May 15-23, under ... Read More

Church slava of Decani Monastery

OCP- May 30, 2012

Serbian Orthodox Church 29/5/2012 In the monastery of Decani the feast of the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ was solemnly celebrated - the church ... Read More

“Prevent religious persecution in Macedonia”

OCP- May 26, 2012

TANJUG 26/5/2012 BELGRADE -- The Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church says "a new escalation of persecution targeting priests of the Ohrid Archdiocese in ... Read More

Six Vraniskovski’s associates ordered detention

OCP- May 23, 2012

Tanjug 23/5/2012 A Macedonian court issued orders for six people suspected of involvement in money laundering together with Serbian Orthodox Church Archbishop of Ohrid Jovan ... Read More

Russian Church slams reported attack on Serbian monk in Kosovo

OCP- May 18, 2012

Moscow, May 17, Interfax - A group of young ethnic Albanians beat up and hurled stones at a monk at a Serbian Orthodox monastery in ... Read More

Youngwood Serbian church marks 100th anniversary

OCP- May 18, 2012

Rose Domenick 17/5/2012 The Serbian presence in Youngwood might be small but it remains mighty. More than 100 years ago, this group of immigrants came ... Read More

Solemn Procession in honour and glory of Our Holy Father Basil of Ostrog the Wonderworker went through streets of Niksic

OCP- May 15, 2012

Serbian Orthodox Church 15/5/2012 His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriaarch, His Eminence Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral and Their Graces Bishops retired Atanasije of ... Read More

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch blesses newly-built Monastery of St. Sava in Golija

OCP- May 15, 2012

Serbian Orthodox Church 14/5/2012 His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch consecrated today newly built monastery of St. Sava in Golija with the concelebration of Their Graces ... Read More

Announcement of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church on the occasion of the latest imprisonment of Archbishop John

OCP- May 15, 2012

Serbian Orthodox Church 14/5/2012 After years of persecution, harassment, arrests and imprisonments, His Beatitude the Archbishop of Ohrid and Metropolitan of Skopje kyr Dr. John, ... Read More

Session of the Plenary of the Patriarchate Steering Committee of the Serbian Orthodox Church

OCP- May 5, 2012

4/5/2012 Before the beginning of the regular year's session of the Plenary of the Patriarchate Steering Committee of the Serbian Orthodox Church on May 3, ... Read More

Giving Helping Hands to Places of Worship

OCP- May 3, 2012

Snaps:Daniella Zalcman for The Wall Street Journal By KATHLEEN LUCADAMO Wall Street Journal 3/5/2012 The Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of St. Sava, a storied church nestled ... Read More

Inter-cultural dialogue through monasteries in Kosovo

OCP- April 27, 2012

By Reverend Donald Reeves MBE 27/4/2012 Soul of Europe Website: The Orthodox monasteries and the municipalities of Peć and Dečani have to start creating the ... Read More

Montenegro “wants to humiliate SPC”

OCP- March 26, 2012

26/3/2012 PODGORICA -- Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral Amfilohije Radović has stated that Montenegro wants to humiliate the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC). He explained ... Read More

Inter-religious leaders in Slovenia join forces to defend the family

OCP- March 24, 2012

23/03/2012 Polls open Sunday, March 25, in Slovenia for a referendum on the Family Code, which seeks to legalize same-sex unions, allowing them to adopt ... Read More

Eighth anniversary of anti-Serb violence in Kosovo

OCP- March 19, 2012

B92, BETA, TANJUG 19/3/2012 KOSOVSKA MITROVICA -- Today marks the eighth anniversary of anti-Serb violence in Kosovo when 19 people were killed and 34 Serbian ... Read More

Dr. Daniel Hinshaw Appointed Visiting Professor of Palliative Care

OCP- March 14, 2012

14/3/2012 St. Vladimir’s Seminary Dr. Daniel B. Hinshaw has been appointed Visiting Professor of Palliative Care at St. Vladimir’s Seminary. Dr. Hinshaw is Professor of ... Read More

Orthodox church in Kosovo desecrated

OCP- March 5, 2012

TANJUG 4/3/2012 GNJILANE -- Serbian Orthodox Church of St. George in the village of Stanišor was burgled Friday night and money was stolen from the ... Read More

Order of Saint Despot Stephen to Milovan Vitezovic and Miodrag Vujovic

OCP- February 29, 2012

24/2/2012 Serbian Church His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch awarded on February 22, 2012 in the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade Messrs Milovan Vitezovic and Miodrag Vujovic ... Read More

Dr Dragutin Trickovic receives Order of Saint Sava of the Third degree

OCP- February 17, 2012

Serbian Church 16/2/2012 The Holy Holy Hierarchal Liturgy of the Serbian Orthodox Church gave primarius Dr Dragutin Trickovic, director of the Dr Vukan Čupić Mother ... Read More