Tag: Serbian Orthodox

Serbian Priest Kills Drug Addict

OCP- August 8, 2012

By Bojana Barlovac 7/8/2012 A Serbian Orthodox Church priest has killed a man at a rehab centre, reviving memories of brutal beatings at a church ... Read More

Kosovo’s Orthodox shrines begin to be restored with funds provided by Russia

OCP- August 8, 2012

8/8/2012 The funds allocated by Russia for the UNESCO-supported project for the restoration of the Serbian Orthodox Church’s shrines in Kosovo and Metohija were reported ... Read More

Prayerful remembrance of the suffered in military action “Storm”

OCP- August 8, 2012

6/8/2012 Serbian Orthodox Church His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriach served on Saturday, August 4, 2012 in Belgrade's church of St. Mark the memorial service for ... Read More

Diocese of Budimlje-Niksic celebrates 10 years of its restoration

OCP- August 8, 2012

6/8/2012 Serbian Orthodox Church With the solemn vesper service, and then spiritual academy in the monastery of Djurdjevi Stupovi, on Friday, August 3, 2012 as ... Read More

Serbian Patriarch Irinej meets with representatives of the Restitution Agency

OCP- August 3, 2012

1/8/2012 Serbian Orthodox Church His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch received on July 31, 2012 in the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade the delegation of the Restitution ... Read More

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon visits Decani Monastery and Cathedral church of St. George in Prizren

OCP- July 28, 2012

28/7/2012 Serbian Orthodox Church Serbian Province of Kosovo and Metohia Decani - UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon with his spouse and associates visited on Tuesday, ... Read More

Orthodox Youth Fest on Golija

OCP- July 28, 2012

26/7/2012 Serbian Orthodox Church The First Orthodox Youth Fest on Golija organized on July 24, 2012at the newly consecrated monastery of St. Sava, gathered a ... Read More

Prayerful remembrance of Patriarch Varnava Rosic

OCP- July 28, 2012

25/7/2012 Serbian Orthodox Church His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch served today in the church of Saint Sava on Vracar the memorial service to Serbian Patriarch ... Read More

Orthodox Church in Stimlje Desecrated and Looted

OCP- July 26, 2012

23/7/2012 The church of St. Archangel Michael in Stimlje, Kosovo, has been desecrated and looted, the Eparchy of Raska-Prizren of the Serbian Orthodox Church announced, ... Read More

100th anniversary of the church of Sts. Peter and Paul the Apostles in Milici

OCP- July 21, 2012

19/7/2012 Serbian Orthodox Church His Grace Bishop Gerasim of Gornji Karlovac served on the feast of St. Peter, July 12, 2012 the Divine Liturgy in ... Read More

Patriarch: Church will never agree to surrender of Kosovo

OCP- July 13, 2012

Tanjug 12/7/2012 BELGRADE -- Serbian Orthodox Patriarch Irinej called for unity among Serbs, adding that the Church (SPC) would never agree or come to terms ... Read More

MOBA 2012

OCP- July 11, 2012

9/7/2012 Serbian Orthodox Church With God's help also this year socializing of the Serbian youth from abroad will be held. Moba 2012 is an action ... Read More

Feast of St. John the Baptist celebration in the Capital

OCP- July 11, 2012

9/7/2012 Serbian Orthodox Church His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch with the priesthood of the Archbishopric of Belgrade-Karlovac served the Divine Liturgy in a newly built ... Read More

Metropolitan Amfilohije in a three-day visit to the Orthodox Archdiocese of Ohrid

OCP- July 11, 2012

6/7/2012 Serbian Orthodox Church -Orthodox Archbishopric of Ohrid His Eminence Archbishop of Cetinje and Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral kyr Amfilohije as a sign ... Read More

Constitutive session of the Commission of the Holy Assembly of Bishops for revision of the Constitution of the Serbian Orthodox Church

OCP- July 9, 2012

5/7/2012 On Monday, July 2, 2012 at the Patriarchate, the constitutive session of the Commission of the Holy Assembly of Bishops for revision of the ... Read More

Cultural treasure of the Serbs of Dubrovnik at the Archive of Serbia

OCP- July 9, 2012

2/7/2012 The Serbian church municipality in Dubrovnik, Archive of Serbia and the National Library of Serbia mutually prepared an exhibition The Culture of Serbs in ... Read More

Kosovo is Serbian Jerusalem, Patriarch Says

OCP- June 29, 2012

TANJUG 29/6/2012 GRAČANICA -- Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) Patriarch Irinej has said in Gračanica that Kosovo was, is, and will be the holy Serb land ... Read More


OCP- June 29, 2012

Giovanni Bottari 29/6/2012 Socanica - Take a seat on the vintage train that leave from Zvecan train station. Relax yourself. You cannot be wrong, it ... Read More

More violence against Serbs in Kosovo on St. Vitus Day

OCP- June 29, 2012

John Robles 29/6/2012 June 28th was a very important day for the Serbian people and for Serbian Orthodox Christians. On the 28th of June, according ... Read More

Book promotion “Calendar knowledge and contribution of Milutin Milankovic”

OCP- June 22, 2012

21/6/2012 Serbian Orthodox Church With the blessing of His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, His Grace Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno participated yesterday in the banquet hall ... Read More

Bishop Atanasije visits injured cadets of the Military Academy

OCP- June 22, 2012

21/6/2012 Serbian Orthodox Church With the blessing of His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch , His vicar Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno visited yesterday the injured cadets ... Read More