Tag: Second Vatican Council

Divisions Within the Vatican Threaten Catholic Unity?

Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE- November 6, 2017

Sputniknews - 6/11/17 Hear Radio Commentary Here: Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio has become one of the most popular Popes ever, but inside the Catholic Church, many hate ... Read More

The Role of the Bishop of Rome in the Communion of the Churches in the First Millenium

Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE- September 6, 2016

<img class="" src="http://www.impantokratoros.gr/dat/5F105542/image1.png?636087533167680000" alt="The Role of the Bishop of Rome in the communion of the Churches in the First Millenium " width="461" height="583" /> www.impantokratoros.gr ... Read More

LUMEN GENTIUM : An Orthodox Critique of the Second Vatican Council’s Dogmatic Constitution on the Church

Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE- December 31, 2014

December- 2014 Fr. Paul Verghese (Late lemented Metropolitan Paulose Gregorious of the East) Definition and Scope This paper does not presume to deal with all ... Read More