Tag: Mary Abdelmassih

Islamists Warn Christians From Demonstrating to Topple Egyptian President

OCP- June 17, 2013

15/6/13 Mary Abdelmassih Assyrian International News Agency (AINA) -- The youth-led Tamarod (rebel) Initiative has collected more than their targeted 15,000,000 signatures calling for a ... Read More

Ten Christians, One Muslim Killed in Sectarian Clashes in Egypt

OCP- April 7, 2013

Mary Abdelmassih - 7/4/13 Cairo (AINA) -- Clashes between Muslims and Christians erupted yesterday in the Al-Khosous district of Qaliubia province. According to reports, ten ... Read More

300 Muslim Lawyers Storm Egyptian Court, Prevent Lawyers for Christian From Entering

OCP- March 16, 2012

By Mary Abdelmassih Assyrian International News Agency 16/3/2012 (AINA) -- More than 300 Muslim lawyers inside and outside a courthouse in the southern Egyptian province ... Read More

20,000 Muslims Attempt to Kill Pastor and Torch Church in Egypt

OCP- February 15, 2012

By Mary Abdelmassih 15/2/2012 Assyrian International News Agency (AINA) -- A mob of nearly 20,000 radical Muslims, mainly Salafis, attempted this evening to break into ... Read More

Muslims in Egypt Burn Christian Homes and Shops, Attack Church

OCP- January 21, 2012

By Mary Abdelmassih AINA NEWS 20/1/2012 (AINA) -- A Muslim mob attacked Copts today in the Upper Egyptian village of Rahmaniya-Kebly, Nag Hammadi, Qena province, ... Read More

Egyptian Bishop Warns of Another Massacre in Nag Hammadi‎

OCP- January 3, 2012

By Mary Abdelmassih 31/12/2011 Assyrian International News Agency (AINA) -- Bishop Kyrillos, the Coptic Orthodox bishop of Nag Hammadi, received last week several threats of ... Read More

Coptic Christians Protect Monastery From Egyptian Army Assault

OCP- October 29, 2011

By Mary Abdelmassih 29/10/2011 AINA (AINA) -- Hundreds of Coptic Christians mobilized on Tuesday in front of the Monastery of the Virgin and St. John ... Read More

Egypt’s Double Standard in Muslim and Christian Abduction Cases

OCP- August 15, 2011

By Mary Abdelmassih 14/8/2011 (AINA) -- A 15-year-old Muslim girl, Zeina, was abducted on April 3, 2011 by gunmen in two cars as she was ... Read More

Egyptian Muslim Ring Uses Sexual Coercion to Convert Christian Girls: Report

OCP- July 13, 2011

By Mary Abdelmassih 7-13-2011 AINA (AINA) -- The number of Christian girls abducted and coerced into converting to Islam since the Egyptian "January 25 Revolution" ... Read More

Tensions Rise in Egypt Over Two Missing Christian Girls

OCP- June 27, 2011

By Mary Abdelmassih 6-26-2011 (AINA) -- Tension is escalating over the case of 14-year-old Nancy Magdy Fathy, and her 16-year old cousin Christine Ezzat Fathy, ... Read More

Former Egyptian Interior Minister Accused of Collusion in Alexandria Church Bombing

OCP- June 6, 2011

By Mary Abdelmassih 6-4-2011 (AINA) -- The Egyptian attorney general has reopened the investigation into the bombing of the Two Saints Church in Alexandria on ... Read More

Egyptian Copts Rally in Support of Church

OCP- June 13, 2010

By: Mary Abdelmassih 11/6/2010 Cairo (AINA) — Thousands of Christian Copts from all over Egypt rallied on Wednesday within the grounds of St. Mark Cathedral ... Read More