Tag: Kyivan Rus

Volodymyr’s Baptism of Kyivan Rus: Ukraine’s European choice then and now

OCP- July 26, 2013

Daniel Bilak - 26/7/13 This weekend Kyiv will celebrate the 1025th anniversary of Grand Prince Volodymyr’s decision in 988 to accept Christianity for the Kyivan ... Read More

On the day of Baptism of Kyivan Rus, the three Primates of the Orthodox Churches celebrate Divine Liturgy in Soborna Square of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra

OCP- July 28, 2011

On July 28, commemoration of the Holy Prince Vladimir, Equal to the Apostles, and the 1023-anniversary of the Baptism of Kyivan Rus, His Holiness Patriarch ... Read More

KYIV. Presentation of the projects envisaging the reconstruction of the Church of Tithes was Held

OCP- July 4, 2011

On July 1 in the Architects' House the projects envisaging the reconstruction of the Church of Tithes was held. As a result of competition, the ... Read More