Tag: Kosovo Metohija

Holy Fire travels through the Serbian Province of Kosovo & Metohija

Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE- April 16, 2015

16/4/15 The holy Fire from Jerusalem was taken to the Serbian Province of Kosovo and Metohija. Large number of Orthodox faithful in Kosovo took part ... Read More

Monument of St. Stefan Uroš II Milutin unveiled in Kosovo & Metohija

Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE- January 16, 2015

January 2015 Bishop Teodosije of Raska-Prizren with the faithful welcomed Prime Minister of Serbia Mr. Aleksandar Vucic in Monastery Gracanica and consecrated the monument of ... Read More

Kosovo: ‘Only dead Serb is a good Serb’ graffiti on Orthodox church in Djakovica

OCP- March 2, 2014

2/3/14 BELGRADE – The Serbian government’s Office for Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) has noted that anti-Serb graffiti appeared on the Orthodox church in Djakovica in the south-western ... Read More

Orthodox church in Kosovo robbed

OCP- February 4, 2014

InSerbia - 02/04/14 ZVECAN – The Orthodox church and the parish house in the Babin Most village in northern Kosovo-Metohija were robbed last night by ... Read More

Two thirds of Kosovo-Metohija Serbs still in exile

OCP- February 3, 2014

2/3/14- InSerbia BELGRADE – The Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) in Kosovo-Metohija remains the mainstay of Serbian identity, although it is difficult to speak of normal ... Read More

Serbs should unite and vote in Kosovo elections – Patriarch Irinej

OCP- October 15, 2013

14/10/13 PEC – The Patriarchate of Pec marked its day – the Protection of the Theotokos with a holy liturgy served by Serbian Orthodox Church ... Read More

Seminar of the priesthood of the Diocese of Raska-Prizren

OCP- August 16, 2012

13/8/2012 On Sunday, August 6, 2012 in the monastery of Gracanica the annual seminar of the priesthood of the Diocese of Raska-Prizren and Kosovo-Metohija. In ... Read More

Moscow aids Kosovo monasteries

OCP- February 9, 2012

Tanjug 9/2/2012 The Sretensky Monastery in Moscow has launched an action aimed at helping Serbian orthodox monasteries and churches in Kosovo-Metohija, the Ras-Prizren Diocese stated ... Read More

Tadic sends message of peace to all citizens in Kosovo-Metohija

OCP- January 9, 2012

Tanjug 8/1/2012 "Serbs, Albanians and representatives of the international community alike, we need to understand what is our existence and what is our role, which ... Read More

Most Serb cemeteries in Kosovo in Poor Shape

OCP- October 27, 2011

Tanjug 27/10/2011 Serbian Orthodox cemeteries in Kosovo are in poor shape, the mission of the Organisation for Security and Co-Operation in Europe (OSCE) in Kosovo-Metohija ... Read More

SPC restores Committee for Kosovo Office

OCP- October 5, 2011

TANJUG 5/10/2011 The SPC said in a statement that the committee's office will be headed by Bishop Jovan of Ljipljan, who was appointed secretary of ... Read More

Patriarch Irinej: Kosovo is also my own Gaping Wound

OCP- August 9, 2011

Tanjug 8/8/2011 “Kosovo is my personal big wound. I can remember how it all looked like back in 1948 when I went to Prizren for ... Read More


OCP- August 5, 2011

5/8/2011 Kosovo is the only territory in Europe where there are attempts at renaming cultural heritage by force. The history and cultural heritage of Serbs ... Read More

Teodosije: Partition of Kosovo could lead to Escalation of Violence

OCP- June 3, 2011

3/6/2011 DECANI, June 3. (TANJUG). Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) Bishop of Raska and Prizren Teodosije stated Thursday that any partition of Kosovo could lead to ... Read More

Church roof stolen in Prizren, Bishop Protests

OCP- April 15, 2011

13/4/2011 One part of the lead roof covering was stolen from Our Lady of Ljevis church in Prizren, and the Bishop of Ras-Prizren Teodosije has ... Read More

“KFOR troop cut dangerous for holy sites”

OCP- January 3, 2011

2/1/2010 DEČANI -- A Serbian Orthodox Church dignitary says the reduction in the number of KFOR soldiers in Kosovo is "worrying and represents a very ... Read More


OCP- October 3, 2010

2/10/2010 Serbian Patriarch Irinej will be enthroned as the 45th patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the monastery of the Pec Patriarchate, in Kosovo-Metohija, ... Read More

International missions must secure Patriarch’s Inauguration

OCP- September 24, 2010

24/9/2010 Minister for Kosovo-Metohija Goran Bogdanovic stated that his Ministry and the Serbian government submitted a list of officials to KFOR who will be attending ... Read More