Tag: Holy Unction

The Risen Christ is the Source of the Sins Forgiving

OCP- May 28, 2013

27/5/13 The pricope of the Gospel according to John chapter 5:1-15 was read during the Divine Liturgy on the miraculous healing of the paralysed man ... Read More

The Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church in solemn meeting

OCP- December 4, 2012

On 28 October 2012, feast of Saint Hierarch Iachint, Metropolitan of Wallachia, the solemn meeting of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church was held in ... Read More

The Example Of The Rich Man Whose Ground Yielded An Abundant Harvest

OCP- November 20, 2012

20/11/2012 On 18 November 2012, the Orthodox Church is on the 16th Sunday after Pentecost. The Evangelical pericope presenting the example of the rich man ... Read More

2014 – The Solemn Eucharistic Year and Commemorative Year of the Saints Martyrs Brancovens in the Romanian Patriarchate

OCP- November 2, 2012

2/11/2012 The Holy Synod proclaimed 2014 as Solemn Eucharistic Year (of the Holy Confession and Holy Communion) and Commemorative Year of the Saints Martyrs Brancovens ... Read More

Saint Pious Dimitrios the New Celebrated at the Romanian Patriarchate

OCP- October 29, 2012

Saint Pious Dimitrios the New, Protector of Bucharest, whose holy relics are kept at the Patriarchal Cathedral, is celebrated today, 27 October 2012. His Beatitude ... Read More