Tag: Haile Selassie

Progressive patriarch brokered peace

OCP- September 7, 2012

5/9/2012 His Holiness Abune Paulos was Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, one of the oldest Christian Churches in Africa; some two-thirds of Ethiopia’s 83 ... Read More

Marley movie doesn’t resolve religion dilemma

OCP- May 15, 2012

BY BALFORD HENRY Sunday Observer senior reporter balfordh@jamaicaobserver.com 15/5/2012 Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/columns/Marley-movie-doesn-t-resolve-religion-dilemma_11412512#ixzz1uxJYlbxM THE new docufilm Marley has brought home an image of the late reggae ... Read More

Ethiopia and the 111th Emperor: Haile Selassie I

OCP- March 28, 2012

27/3/2012 A thousand years before Christ the Queen of Sheba, we are told, traveled to Jerusalem where she met King Solomon, married him and had ... Read More