Tag: Church Primate

The Ukrainian Church Primate’s secretary manipulates him, the Orthodox activist says

OCP- January 26, 2012

Moscow, January 26, Interfax - Metropolitan Vladimir's of Kiev and Ukraine secretary Archbishop Alexander uses his illness in his own interests, head of the Ukrainian ... Read More

Eglise Syro-Orthodoxe-Francophone Church Primate Greets New Catholicose of the East

OCP- November 1, 2010

Son Em Mar Philipose-Mariam (Mgr Philippe-Marie), Métropolite, Monastère Syriaque de la Bse Vierge-Marie, Mère de Miséricorde, 61300 CHANDAI- BREVILLY (France) Tel : Fax : Port ... Read More

Patriarch Kirill urges Russians to draw spiritual lessons of Hot Summer

OCP- August 19, 2010

Moscow, August 16, Interfax - Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia urged people to think over reasons of fires raging in Russia and make ... Read More