Tag: Boris Tadic

Ceremony regarding the Statehood Day

OCP- February 17, 2012

16/2/2012 Serbian Church His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch accompanied by vicar Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno attended the central ceremony regarding the Statehood Day, which was ... Read More

Tadic sends message of peace to all citizens in Kosovo-Metohija

OCP- January 9, 2012

Tanjug 8/1/2012 "Serbs, Albanians and representatives of the international community alike, we need to understand what is our existence and what is our role, which ... Read More

Patron Saint’s day of members of Anti-terrorist unit in Lipovica

OCP- May 10, 2011

9/5/2011 Serbian Church On May 7, 2011 the Patron's feast day of the St. George the Great Martyr was celebrated in the base of Anti-terrorist ... Read More

Putin Awarded

OCP- March 24, 2011

24/3/2011 Russia’s PM Vladimir Putin was awarded on Wednesday the Serbian Orthodox Church’s highest distinction – the Order of St. Savva, which was handed him ... Read More

Synod: State of Serbia to be represented by President Tadic at Crowning

OCP- September 30, 2010

29/9/2010 The Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church has communicated that at the crowning of Patriarch Irinej, on October 3 in the Pec patriarchy, ... Read More

Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia Commemorate Operation Storm

OCP- August 4, 2010

4/7/2010 Thousands of people across several Balkan countries have held services to commemorate those who died in Operation Storm 15-years ago. Croatia's Prime Minister Jadranka ... Read More

Tenth session of the Assembly of the Society for building Cathedral of St. Sava is held

OCP- February 22, 2009

On Thursday, February 19, 2009 a regular annual session of the Assembly of the Society for building St. Sava Cathedral at Vrachar, where was discussed ... Read More