Tag: April Uprising

Living Museum in Koprivshtitsa Resurrects Bulgaria’s Revival Period

OCP- August 13, 2011

12/8/2011 A new living museum in Bulgaria's Koprivshtitsa – the town which gave the start of the 1876 April Uprising against the Ottoman Empire – ... Read More

Bulgarian Orthodox Church Honors Batak Martyrs for 1st Time

OCP- May 16, 2011

16/5/2011 The holy relics of the Bulgarian Batak martyrs will be taken out of the Sveta Nedeliya church in the town for the first time ... Read More

Bulgarian Church Canonizes Batak Massacre Victims

OCP- April 3, 2011

2/4/2011 The Bulgarian Orthodox Church will canonize over Saturday and Sunday those massacred by Ottoman forces in Batak and Novo Selo during the 1876 April ... Read More