Synod: State of Serbia to be represented by President Tadic at Crowning


The Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church has communicated that at the crowning of Patriarch Irinej, on October 3 in the Pec patriarchy, the state of Serbia will be represented by President Boris Tadic.

The synod has invited members of the Serbian Government, leaders of political parties and other distinguished political personalities to respect that fact, as well as the spirituality of the Patriarch crowning. The believers are reminded that this act is exclusively spiritual in nature and of historical significance for the church and the Serbian people, so any politicization of that occasion is absolutely unacceptable.

The Patriarch and the synod have called for the respect to the spiritual character of the crowning and to the agreement of the Holy Synod with international bodies in Kosmet, in order to have the solemn celebration pass in the best way possible.


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