Summer Camps in full Swing

SYOSSET, NY [OCA] — Despite June and July’s record temperatures, countless children and teens have been enjoying their experiences at the Orthodox Church in America’s summer camps.

While some camps have ended their seasons — Saint Eugene’s Camp, Dunlap, CA; Saint Peter the Aleut Camp, Weatherford, TX; Saint Tikhon’s Camp, South Canaan, PA; and the Chicago Deanery Camp, East Troy, WI — several others are making last minute preparations to open.

Saint Andrew’s Camp, Jewell, NY, opened it’s three week regular season July 11, and anticipates an excellent response to its “teen week” program August 1-7. His Grace, Bishop Michael of New York and New Jersey, is making weekly visits to the camp, which in addition to the expected activities will focus on ecology, liturgical music, and horsemanship. For more information and registration forms visit

The National Junior Summer Sports Tournament at Saint Vladimir’s Camp, Farmdale, OH also opened July 11. The program is sponsored annually by the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America [FOCA]. For additional information visit

Other camps submitting information for posting on the OCA web site that plan to open in the next few weeks include

* Saint Vladimir’s Camp, Farmdale, OH
July 18-24, ages 12 through 16
July 25-31, ages 7 through 11
Contact Deacon Daniel and Catrina Kovalak, directors, at 216-524-3414, 216-798-0815, or For additional information visit

* Rocky Mountain Orthodox Youth Camp, Ward, CO
August 1-4
Glacier View Ranch, Ward, CO
Contact Fr. Anthony Karbo, director, at or 719-473-9238.

* Eastern Orthodox Youth Camp, Kansas City
August 1-7
12001 Wornall Road, Kansas City, MO
Contact David Foltz, director, at 785-633-7492 or

* Holy Virgin Mary Cathedral Summer Camp, Angelus Oaks, CA
August 22-29, ages 8 through 16
YMCA Camp Arbolado, 42500 Hwy 38, Angelus Oaks, CA
Contact Fr. Nicolas Boldireff at 323-533-5917


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