Serbian patriarch expects “wise decision”


Prokuplje — Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) Patriarch His Holiness Irinej said that he expected the ICJ decision on Kosovo tomorrow to be “wise”.

The court’s ruling in the case of the Kosovo Albanian unilateral independence declaration should leave “both Serbs and (ethnic) Albanians” in Kosovo satisfied, he was quoted as saying.

The patriarch assessed that any unilateral decision would forever remain “the apple of discord between the two peoples”.

The spiritual leader of the Serb Orthodox Christians also stated that his thoughts were mostly with Serbs in Kosovo, and that he was praying that the decision of the ICJ would represent a permanent and best possible solution for both peoples, and in particular, that it may reduce the suffering of the Serb people in Kosovo.

“Serbs in Kosovo today without a doubt live in the worst conditions humans can face in the world, and that is why tribute should be paid to them,” the patriarch said, and noted that he had witnessed this fist-hand during his recent trip to the province.

“Those who stayed live under the most difficult conditions, they’re in constant pain, suffering and fear, so they need help and support from all of us from other parts of Serbia. The international community should have realized and understood that by now,” Irinej said.

The patriarch also noted that he was surprised by what he had seen during his visit to Kosovo, from the efforts made, the fact that “people actually lived there”, to the sights of Serb sacred places that burned to the ground, which testify of centuries-long and primordial existence of Serbs in those parts.


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