
Message of His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, addressed on the occasion of the feast of Saint Hierarch Nifon, Patriarch of Constantinople and Metropolitan of Wallachia, 11 August 2011:

It is with great spiritual joy that the entire Orthodoxy, and especially the Archdiocese of Târgovişte celebrates today Saint Hierarch Nifon, Patriarch of Constantinople and Metropolitan of Wallachia, the first saint canonised in the territory of our country, a true symbol of the Christian spirituality and of our Romanian culture at the beginning of the 16th century.

Having been living examples of Christian faith, as well as witnesses of the presence and work of the Holy Spirit in our righteous Church, the saints followed Christ, our Saviour, confessing their communion with God, through their life, deeds and teaching, sharing it with those close to them, as people who felt the joy of the presence of God in their life. The presence of Christ, our Lord, in the saints whom we worship, is the greatest richness or treasure gathered in the souls, as a light of faith, of the love for God and for their fellow beings, as well as of the good deeds. This treasure remains in man’s soul, and he takes it to the Kingdom of God. Orthodoxy has always thought the saints were not only strong concrete examples of following Christ, but also helpers and guides in times of trouble and needs for reaching genuine spiritual life.

The presence of Saint Hierarch Nifon from the beginning of the 16th century till today has been bright and intense in the Romanian Orthodox conscience, and especially in the souls of the faithful of the Archdiocese of Târgovişte, where it increased the piety of the pilgrims praying at the shrine of the relics of Saint Hierarch Nifon, in the Archiepiscopal Metropolitan Cathedral of Târgovişte.

Wise and diligent servant of Orthodoxy at the beginning of the 16th century, Saint Hierarch Nifon reorganised the life of the Church in Wallachia, as the chronicler says: he adapted the customs of the time to the laws of the Holy Fathers in Wallachia. His exemplary spiritual life lived in much fasting, ardent prayer and love for God and the fellow beings made Saint Hierarch Nifon known both to the Romanian, and to the entire Eastern Christianity. Lover and promoter of the Christian culture with pastoral missionary features, Saint Hierarach Nifon supported the spreading of the printed books. So, the well-known hieromonk Macarie printed, in Târgovişte, the first books in the Romanian territory, namely the Liturgical nook (1508), Octoechos (1510) and Four Gospels Book (1512).

We have recently learned, with much joy, that the Archdiocese of Târgovişe prepared the printing of the jubilee edition of the Four Gospels Book (of 1512), which will be launched now, on the occasion of the feast of Saint Hierarch Nifon, within the framework of the preparation for the jubilee of 500 years to be celebrated next year, in 2012. This major event continues the beautiful spiritual events which we have personally attended in the old capital city of Wallachia, on 10 July 2008, on the occasion of launching the jubilee edition of Macarie’s Liturgical Book, as well as on 26 September 2009, when the jubilee edition of the Octoechos by Macarie was launched, both jubilee editions achieved by the care and efforts of His Eminence Metropolitan Nifon, Archbishop of Târgovişte.

Having much confidence in the mercy and help of God and willing to pray at the relics of Saint Hierarch Nifon in the Cathedral of Târgovişte, the faithful of the Archdiocese of Târgovişte, as well as many pilgrims from all over the country, find spiritual strength here, help in times of trouble or needs as well as hope in this time of economical spiritual crisis. The saints call us now to increase our prayers as a source of hope and help our fellow beings, orphans, sick, old and lonely ones, according to our abilities.

Even when we are poorer from a material point of view, we must never be spiritually poorer, but always enrich ourselves through merciful deeds as solidarity with the people poorer than we. Let us show that the light of faith and power of prayer help us to overcome the hardships of life.

We congratulate His Eminence Metropolitan Nifon, Archbishop of Târgovişte, on the occasion of this feast, and wish him good health, peace, joy and help of God in his fruitful pastoral missionary activity. We also congratulate all the servants of the Holy Altars, the members of the communities of the holy monasteries and faithful of the Archdiocese of Târgovişte, as well as all the pilgrims who come here from all over the country, praying God, through the intercession of Saint Hierarch Nifon, to give them all good health and salvation, peace and joy, much help in life and growth in good deeds.

With great esteem and fatherly blessings,

† Daniel
Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church


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