Russian Orthodox Church, DOSAAF to sign cooperation Agreement

Moscow, August 27, Interfax – The DOSAAF organization (Voluntary Society of Assistance to the Army, the Air Force and the Navy) is expected to sign a cooperation agreement with all traditional religious denominations in Russia, deputy chairman Roman Balashov told journalists at the Interfax head office on Friday.

“At the blessing of Patriarch Kirill, a cooperation agreement between the Russian Orthodox Church and the DOSAAF of Russia is due to be signed on September 7,” Balashov said. “This event will be the first one in a series of agreements with all religious denominations that are traditional for Russia.”

“For us this is extremely important, given that the contingent of conscripts is made up of representatives of all denominations present in our country,” he added.

“At the modern stage it is simply impossible to implement the program for military patriotic education without strong support from our denominations,” Balashov sai


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