Russian Church: endless discourse on expensive possessions of clergy as a sign of Spiritual Disorder

Moscow, April 15, Interfax – The Russian Orthodox Church warns believers against focusing too much attention on material matters.

“I happened to visit palaces in full feather and wander about slums in a ragged cassock. I am sure that the Church accepts both. We should not focus too much attention on either of the above,” head of the Synodal Department for Church and Society Relations Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin states in his answer to journalist Ivan Semenov.

Semenov has published an open letter calling Father Vsevolod to offer his apologies for his public address where he asserted that the members of clergy have the right to wear expensive things as such things emphasize the social prestige of the Church.

In his answer, Father Vsevolod stressed that “if Christians endlessly discourse on the “glamour and misery” of clothes and watches, it is a sign of their spiritual disorder. Or envy. Or an undying quasi-dissident habit to curse everything which is strong, expensive and powerful.”

He recalled that ancient Christian hierarchs and almost all archpriests of the Russian Orthodox Church had owned palaces equal or almost equal to tsars’ mansions and the “relevant chariots”. Thus, St. John of Kronstadt was wearing silk cassocks and travelled by his own ship, and Christ visited dinners at homes of people who today’s intellectuals could call “not worth a hand-shake.”

“What a horrible thing for intellectuals used to dissident kitchen discussions! What a shame for those who love the Church to be weak, not appearing on TV screens, dressed in ragged cassocks, huddling in shelters inaccessible to “wicked cameras” behind rickety fences of dilapidated churches. Here’s God’s grace – no Mercedeses, no flash-lights, no gilded icon stands and no “not-worth-a-handshake sponsors.”

According to him, it becomes to the Russian Orthodox Church to own “modern and impressive buildings, beautiful cassocks and gilded icon stands (which shall not mean gaudy); and sufficient signs of material well-being to be able to talk on equal terms with those who “tell a book by its cover” and sometimes try to negotiate from strength falling back on their wealth and influence.”


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    Bishop Nicholas 13 years

    I think that it is OK to have the best of everything those who serve God and God’s holy churches. It is what God has commended on the establishment of His tent and temple decorated with gold and silver.
    The first sacrifice given by the first human beings God wonted the best quality for His sacrifice. That for do not judge inapropriate what the church leaders are wearing because all those are pleasing God not man.

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    Bishop Nicholas 13 years

    I think that it is OK to have the best of everything those who serve God and God’s holy churches. It is what God has commended on the establishment of His tent and temple decorated with gold and silver.
    The first sacrifice given by the first human beings God wonted the best quality for His sacrifice. That for do not judge inapropriate what the church leaders are wearing because all those are pleasing God not man.

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    74236 493270An really interesting read, I could possibly not agree completely, but you do make some very valid points. 39035

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