Round Table Conference on ‘The Role of the Orthodox Clergy and Believers in Saving the Jewish Population’ Held in Kiev
OCP News Service – 30/9/21
Kiev – Ukraine: A scientific round table conference on “the role of the Orthodox clergy and believers in saving the Jewish population from the Holocaust during World War II”, was held in Kiev. The conference was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Babyn Yar tragedy in Kyiv.
Lectures and discussion were held on various topics namely Babyn Yar as a place of memory and a common Golgotha of the twentieth century, the participation of the Orthodox clergy and believers in saving the Jewish population from pogroms and the Holocaust in the twentieth century, Orthodox “righteous people of the peoples of the world” in Ukraine, a feat and memory and Orthodox priests and believers shot by the Nazis along with Jews and representatives of other nations in Babyn Yar in Kyiv.
The event was organized by thee Center for the Study of the Heritage of New Martyrs and Confessors of the 20th Century, Kyiv Theological Academy and Seminary. Details of the program can be accessed here
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