Rohit Guptas Book is an Excellent ‘Mini-Guide’ on the Malankara Church – Review

Rohit Guptas Book is an Excellent ‘Mini-Guide’ on the Malankara Church – Review

Book Review by Donn George Varghese (First Editor- Malankara Affairs) – OCP News Service – 31/7/19

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I congratulate Rohit Gupta for publishing his excellent work ‘Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church- Everything about Indian Orthodox Church’

The author has successfully portrayed the history of the Malankara Church from an objective point of view. He has presented the details with supporting arguments which will easily convince the reader.

The order of characterization and presentation is highly favorable for a new reader.

Rohit has tried his best to validate the history and evangelization in Malankara by St. Thomas. It is highly appreciable that he has used several sources to validate his views.

Chapter three which is on the political involvement of Saint Thomas Christians is appreciable for its uniqueness.

“Rohit Guptas Effort is Remarkable” – Catholicos Baselios Paulose II of the East

A detailed study about the Catholicate of the East in chapter seven is another striking feature of the book.

The study about the dioceses, saints, former prelates, and current prelates is a step ahead from the rest of the works on this topic. The study on Saintly Alvares Julius (Metropolitan-Archbishop of the Independent Catholic Church of Ceylon, Goa, and India) is highly appreciable.

‘The Malankara Church is Truly National, and She Makes Me Proud’- Author Rohit Gupta

The last chapter provides information on the 1934 constitution which makes the book constructive and a useful reference source for the readers.

Other than inconsistent use of spellings, lack of clarity on some topics and the variations in the pattern of presentation on the details for the chapter thirteen, this book stands as an excellent mini-guide on the Malankara Orthodox Church.

On the whole, the author has done justice to the title ‘Everything about the Indian Orthodox Church.

Order Rohit’s book on the Malankara Church on Amazon India
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OCP News Service

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    Fr Photios Parks 6 years

    This looks like a phenomenal resource for the English speaking Church.

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