Religious leaders call on public to support Destitute Children, Elders

Addis Ababa, September 11, 2010 – Various religious leaders called on the public to provide support to destitute children and elders during new year celebrations. The religious leaders made the statements in a benediction they gave in connection with the Ethiopian New Year.

Accordingly, Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, Abune Paulos called on the faithful to help destitute children and elders. The Patriarch said providing support to needy is significant.

Abune Paulos said the New Year is a time for all to work hard towards development and prosperity with a new spirit. Archbishop of the Ethiopian Catholic Church, Abune Berhaneyesus Surafel on his part called on the public to actively participate in the ongoing development activities of the country.

He said all citizens should contribute share to further strengthen ongoing development activities in the education, health and other sectors. The Archbishop also called on the faithful to support destitute children.

Similarly, President of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane-Eyesus, Reverend Dr. Waqseyoum Edossa said the faithful should renew commitment to further strengthen activities aimed at realizing renaissance of the country. He said the church will contribute share in the ongoing efforts towards implementation of the five-year development and transformation plan (ENA)


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