Raymond Ibrahim Video Interview: “Christians Are the MOST Persecuted People on Earth”

Raymond Ibrahim Video Interview: “Christians Are the MOST Persecuted People on Earth”

Raymond Ibrahim – May 2016

I was recently interviewed on The Rebel Media (starting around the 24:12 mark).

The following introduction is from The Rebel Media’s “Cultural Wars with Tiffany Gabbay”:

Christians are the MOST persecuted people on earth: These stories will SHOCK you

You won’t you won’t see much mainstream media coverage or liberal celebrities raising awareness of this tragedy like they did with Darfur. We’re talking about Christians, the most persecuted group in the world.

The Middle East is the cradle of Christianity, yet ancient Christian communities spanning from Iraq, Syria, Libya and beyond have been decimated by genocide and displacement.

Secretary of State John Kerry finally got around to acknowledging that what’s going on is, in fact, genocide, but Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has yet to do so. Canada is way behind the EU and UN on this one.

Tonight we will look at the scale and scope of this heartbreaking tragedy, find out why so few of the incoming Syrian refugees are Christians, and learn which countries in the world are most hostile to Christians.

We will be joined by Dr. Ashraf Ramaleh, founder of Voice of the Copts, an organization that aids persecuted Christians in the Middle East, and author and Islam expert Raymond Ibrahim.



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