Public Council on Morality to prevent degradation of Young Generations

Sergey Kurilo

The Council, which was created 4 years ago, received 300 letters from citizens this year alone. The Council was initiated by the head of the Belarusian Orthodox Church Metropolitan Filaret. Among its 40 members are writers, musicians, sportsmen, representatives of all major religious confessions and scholars. They are united by one aim: avoiding gaps leading to degradation of a human person.

(Andrei Aleshko, spokesperson for the Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk, High Priest of All Belarus, secretary of Public Council on Morality: “Disintegration of families, abortions, suicides, various forms of dependence, all these phenomena are rooted in moral problems”.)
(Nikolai Cherginets, Chair of the Belarusian Union of Writers, Chair of the Public Council on Morality)

The Council works in close cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Education, contacts police, when juvenile delinquency is in question. For instance, the Ministry of Trade addressed it for the expertise of advertisement.

(Nikolai Cherginets, Chair of the Belarusian Union of Writers, Chair of the Public Council on Morality: “We don’t have the right to prohibit something, but we have the right to consider the problems of society and express our opinions on these issues”.)

The Council on Morality maintains cooperation with press, state authorities and community organizations for preservation of ethic and moral pillars. The Council also expressed its opinion concerning sexual minorities.

(Nikolai Cherginets, Chair of the Belarusian Union of Writers, Chair of the Public Council on Morality: “They are already living peacefully in society, but they want to dictate their conditions thinking there is nothing bad in their marching along the streets and squares. We expressed our opinion: the existence of gays is a fact, but we can’t let society be dominated by their requirements”.)

Morality is challenged all over the world today. Last years, Patriarch Kirill addressed for help in order to create a similar council in Russia.


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