Protest to Be Held At Turkish Consulate in Los Angeles
March 2014-
The coalition of supporters for the March 9th “Stop the Christian Genocide in Syria” protest outside the Turkish Consulate in Los Angeles, California, continues to grow, with the American Mesopotamian Organization joining the cause.
When asked about the Protest, and the current plight of Christians in Syria, Mr. David William Lazar, Chairman of AMO said, “We at the American Mesopotamian Organization, stand steadfast in solidarity with Greeks and Armenians, fellow survivors of Turkey’s Genocide of Christian nations, in calling upon the Turkish government to stop its support of Islamist terrorists in Syria. Regrettably it is the misguided foreign policy of the United States, which has for the last several decades empowered Turkey to act as a “rogue state”. From its denial of the Genocide of Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians, where over 2 Million people were destroyed, to its invasion of Cyprus, to its support for the Gaza based terrorist group Hamas, and most recently its direct involvement in the Syrian civil war, and its blatant support of Al-Qaeda linked groups”.
The revolutionary protest will bring together, for the first time, Americans of Greek, Armenian, Assyrian, and Syrian descent. All working together, to bring an end to the ongoing Genocide of Syria’s Roum, Assyrian, and Armenian citizens at the hands of foreign Jihadist rebels. The Turkish Consulate was chosen to drawn attention to the fact that the Republic of Turkey is arming and training the terrorists committing these atrocities in Syria. To date, over 1,200 Christians have been brutality murdered, and almost 500,000 have been forced to flee their homes to escape persecution.
It is in the spirit of brotherhood and unity, that we ask others, to join us in solidarity Mal’loula Saddad (Sadnaya) The kidnappings of Archbishop Mar Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim and Archbishop Boulous Yazigi These events should not just fade away from memory
Those interested in learning more can visit the Facebook page.