Prayerful remembrance on victims of the genocide in the Independant State of Croatia (NDH)


The Serbian Orthodox Church universally, liturgically and prayerfully marks the 70th anniversary of the genocide in the Independant State of Croatia. With a joyful sorrow and a pride we remember our new martyrs – bishops, priests, monks and the faithful people – suffered by the Ustasha’s hand in the most bestial pogrom during the World War Two. We remember also our Orthodox kin that suffered in August 1994 in the Storm – a joint criminal enterprize against the Serbian people in Srpska Krajina, Dalmatia, Lika, Banija, Kordun etc

Read more about the genocide against the Serbian people in the Independent State of Croatia on the website of the Jasenovac Committee of the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church.


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