Pope Shenouda will not lead Feast of the Epiphany in Alexandria


Pope Shenouda, who returned to Egypt from a medical trip to the US today, will not lead Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Epiphany out of respect to the mourners in Alexandria

Egypt’s Pope Shenouda III will not lead Mass celebrating the Feast of the Epiphany in Alexandria this year.

This will be the first time the Patriarch of the Coptic Church does not lead the mass in Alexandria. The pope has chosen to remain in Cairo, during the celebrations that are due to take place tomorrow, out of respect for the mood of sadness felt in Alexandria after the attack on the Two Saints Church which left 22 dead and 90 injured.

The pope will also not lead the mass in the Cathedral of Abbassiya and will choose to perform a private ceremony not open to the public.

Pope Shenouda’s first public address since his return from the medical trip will take place in his weekly sermon this Wednesday.

The 87-year-old Shenouda is Pope and Archbishop of the Great City of Alexandria and Patriarch of all Africa, the Holy Orthodox and Apostolic See of Saint Mark the Evangelist that is, in Egypt, Pentapolis, Libya, Nubia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea and all Africa.


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