Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Series Graeca

The Chinese Orthodox Church

Edited & compiled by Jacques Paul Migne

Script: Greek with Latin translation
Publisher: Imprimerie Catholique
Date: 1857-1866
Format/Pages: DVD
Availability: ship from USA

Price: minimum $50 US tax-deductible donation (cheque payable to OFASC)


With a US tax-deductible donation to the Orthodox Fellowship of All Saints of China of $50 USD or more, readers may now request specific volumes of scanned images of Patrologia Graeca that can fit on a single DVD. These volumes are also freely available on the internet, but retrieving from a DVD saves hours and days of download time and data bandwidth costs and can be read offline or printed out.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

The Patrologia Graeca (or Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Series Graeca) is an edited collection of writings by the Christian Church Fathers and various secular writers, in the ancient Koine or medieval variants of the Greek language. It consists of 161 volumes produced in 1857-1866 by J. P. Migne’s Imprimerie Catholique. It includes both the Eastern Fathers and those Western authors who wrote before Latin became predominant in the Western Church in the 3rd century, e.g. the early writings collectively known as the Apostolic Fathers, such as the First and Second Epistle of Clement, the Shepherd of Hermas, Eusebius, Origen, and the Cappadocian Fathers Basil the Great, Gregory of Nazianzus, and Gregory of Nyssa.

The 161 volumes are bound as 166 (vols. 16 and 87 being in three parts and vol. 86 in two). An important final volume, which included some supplements and a full index, was never published, as the plates were destroyed in a fire (1868) at the printer.

The first series contained only Latin translations of the originals (81 vols., 1856-61). The second series contains the Greek text with a synoptic Latin translation (166 vols., 1857-66). The texts are interlaced, with one column of Greek and a corresponding column on the other side of the page that is the Latin translation. Where the Greek original has been lost, as in the case of Irenaeus, the extant Greek fragments are interspersed throughout the Latin text. In one instance, the original is preserved in Syriac only and translated into Latin. Quite often, information about the author is provided, also in Latin.

OFASC Theological Review

Recommended for translators and those interested in the works of the Greek Fathers in the original language. Not all early Christian writers are considered Church Fathers by the Orthodox Church as some of them have extreme tendencies or their teachings have been rejected by the Church, even if they are recognized as Fathers by the Roman Catholics. Even so, the extant writings of those not recognized as Church Fathers such as Origen and Tertullian may be read with prudence. This will enable students in patrology to grasp the context by which Church Fathers and the various Councils put forth their anathemata against various heretical teachings that the early Church has to combat against. Bear in mind that these volumes are non-Orthodox compilations and therefore should not be read uncritically.


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