Patriarch with the EU representative for Heritage of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo


EU Representative for issues of religious and cultural heritage of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo Dimitris Moshopulos informed His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej about the first steps that have been made in terms of security and preservation of the Serbian cultural heritage in the southern Serbian province. As posted on the Serbian Orthodox Church website, Patriarch Irinej expressed satisfaction during talks in Belgrade over the appointment of Moshopulos and gave his blessing for the success of his mission. The Patriarch informed the EU official that the Serbian Orthodox Church Synod appointed the Bishop of Lipljan a representative of the Church in all talks pertaining to the religious and cultural heritage in Kosovo.

The Office of the International Civilian Representative communicated in mid-February that the head of the Greek Liaison Office in Pristina Moshopulos will be an intermediary between the Serbian Orthodox Church on one side and the EU and the authorities in Pristina, on the other, in the field of religious and cultural heritage of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo.


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