Patriarch Of Jerusalem: Koran Burning Goes Against The Teachings Of Christianity


Jerusalem – PNN – Theophilos III, Patriarch of the Greek Orthodox Church of Jerusalem, announced on Thursday that calls of Terry Jones, who heads the Dove World Outreach Center, to burn Koran on September 11th goes against the Teachings of Christianity.

Theophilos III released a press release condemning the act and described it as an act of hat and racism. Jones are calling his followers to burn 200 copies of the Koran, the holiest book for Muslims world wide, on the ninth anniversary of the Sept. 11th attacks.

“You could have serious violence in places like Pakistan or Afghanistan. This could increase the recruitment of individuals who would be willing to blow themselves up in American cities or European cities.” U.S Presidnet Obama told ABC on Thursday. Washington have deemed the calls an act of racism and ignorant.

In Egypt Islamic leaders and groups have called on their government to expel the US Ambassador if the burning of the Koran was allowed next Saturday.


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    with the name on allah mercy and forgiveness
    peace ,mercy and bleessing be up on all
    aha we are muslims love prophet jesus (p.uh),ore than our selves and we now what his holy message is all about so we don’t hate the real good chtristains we are aginst any one is trying to cover the real pure islam or christan ….c’z islam is the freedom religion and the islam and muslims sould not be accountable for what some hardliners like ben laden have don itis just like you have this terriros pasterd there are some ppl called them selves muslims are bad some ppl are good and some are bad and some are horable…in islam christain or jewish or ny other religion …sis sara
    in allah save

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