Patriarch Kirill sends Obama sympathy message over Sandy

Moscow, November 5, Interfax – Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia has sent a message of sympathy to U.S. President Barack Obama in connection with the consequences of Hurricane Sandy, which has led to numerous fatalities and left thousands homeless.

“I am sure that, in these difficult days, the government is doing all that is necessary to overcome the consequences of the hurricane, and that the American people, who have always been known for their cohesion and mutual support, will brave out their ordeal,” a Moscow Patriarchate statement quoted Patriarch Kirill as saying in his message.

“In my sincere empathy with the people of the United States, I pray that our Lord Jesus Christ heal and comfort the victims as soon as possible, and that He help the rescue workers and doctors who are involved in the rehabilitation work,” the Patriarch said.


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