Palestinian Christians support Independent State

Archbishop Theodosios Atallah Hanna

Archbishop Theodosios Atallah Hanna


The main Christian denominations in East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza have issued a joint statement supporting the establishment of a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

Around 57000 Christians live in the territories concerned.

The Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Sebastia, Theodosios Atallah Hanna, told euronews the Palestinian people deserve a state, and United Nations recognition.

“We are part of these people and we support this. We work side by side with all the sectors of the Palestinian people, Muslims and Christians, for our freedom and our independence, and to establish our independent Palestinian state, and its capital Jerusalem.

“We hope that the United States and Europe and all those who are sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, will support this just demand.”

Copyright © 2011 euronews


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    Maxim 13 years

    I am an Orthodox Christian and I am 100% opposed to supporting “Palestinian” demands. Lest we forget, the last time the eastern side of Jerusalem was controlled by Muslims, Jews and Christians had VERY LIMITED TO NO access to Holy sites. Remember, Jordan occupied Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria from 1948-1967. At no time did the “Pestinians” demand a state at that time. They have Passed up 31 opportunities to get their own state. The leaders of the PA have demanded that the Palestinian state be free of Jews and the PA have joined forces with terrorists known as Hamas. The Christians will enjoy dhimmi status under the muslems. Just ask anyone in Egypt, Pakistan, or Turkey. Israel is the only democratic state in the middle east that respects freedom of religion and conscience. I feel sorry for the plight of Christians in “Eastern Jerusalem” and the “West Bank”.

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    Stavro 13 years

    better under muslims than zionist-atheists. 

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