Pakistani Christian laborer dies on workplace not permitted by officials to eat


Lahore: November 10, 2011. (PCP) A poor Pakistani Christian named Ayub Masih rushed to his duty from home without eating breakfast but his wife gave him some bread in a paper wrap and instructed him to eat it on duty as he have not took his dinner last night due to poverty and what was in dinner both wife and husband preferred for children.

Ayub Masih was working in SWM department of Lahore Metropolitan department to clean city drains, streets and roads. SWM was under city government of Lahore, government of Punjab.

In 2011, Chief Minister of Punjab Mian Shahbaz Sharif bargained with Turkish government and privatized SWM department with LWMC for billions of rupees.

Ayub Masih was also handed over to LWMC and he was no more government employee anymore and there were no benefits for him.

The Privatization of SWM to LWMC was challenged in Lahore High Court and court has not passed any judgment on it.

It was day of November 8, 2011, when Ayub Masih reached on his workplace in humid day of Lahore summer. He was hungry but he started his work. After four hours Ayub Masih requested his Muslim supervisor that he wanted to drink water and have his meal but he abused him and ordered to keep cleaning.

The Christian in Pakistan are prohibited to drink water from any roadside vendor or restaurant and Ayub have to look for any Public water tab from where he may take water in his glass but he was not permitted to leave for that so he kept working.

After one hour Ayub Masih requested his Muslim supervisor to allow him to drink and eat but he refused and asked him keep working.

After 30 minutes Ayub Masih fell on road and became unconscious due to hunger but his Muslim supervisor kicked him and yelled “Get up you “Choora” (Choora is word of hate used by Muslims in Pakistan for Christians who work as sanitary worker) do not perform drama to become unconscious”

When other Christian employees of LWMC working in nearby streets reached to unconscious Ayub Masih he has been passed away.

According to CYFP press release “Ayub Masih Murder is a murder of whole Christian nation terms Chief of Christian Youth Fellowship CYF Pakistan”

Press Release further adds that last night chairman of CYF Dr Shabaz Bhatti called upon delegation of Christian Councilor Ithed Lahore, which was led by Shafique Bhatti and Shahzad Anjam. It was reported that Ayub Masih expired due to the ignorance of LWMC officials. The Concern authorities proved to be cruel by abandoning him from eating and drinking during duty hours. Moreover Dr Shabaz Bhatti declared that by changing the name of SWM to LWMC the government has snubbed the rights of Christian’s sanitary workers. is the economic killing of Christians.

Dr Shabaz Bhatti said that political history is evident that whenever PML (N) has come into the government, it has been unfair with Christians. Sometimes Shanti Nagar, Gojra, Sialkot, Kasour, or even in the form of poor Shazia who was raped and then killed. It is so torturing that Punjab government has a desperado by the name of Waseem Ajmal who has made Christians living very hard. The murder of Ayub Masih is a planned conspiracy of Punjab government against the Christians because Ayub’s murder is the murder of the whole Christian nation .We demand that waseem Ajmal to immediately be captured and punished and give full rights to the family of Ayub Masih, otherwise CYF Pakistan will run an agitation against it.


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    […] 11 ноября. ПРАВМИР. Бедный пакистанский христианин Аюб Масих отправился на работу без завтрака, его жена дала ему немного хлеба в бумажной обертке и наказала ему съесть его на дежурстве, так как с вечера он не обедал, обед супруги оставляли для детей, сообщает […]

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