Orthodox Health Plan renewal Update

Orthodox Church in America

SYOSSET, NY [OCA Communications] Orthodox Church in America Secretary, Archpriest Eric G. Tosi, has issued a memorandum to OCA participants in the Orthodox Health Plan regarding the Plan’s annual May 1 renewal.

Fr. Eric’s memo reads as follows.

“Recently, [the Joint Orthodox Health Insurance Committee] completed our dialogue and negotiations with our health carrier Aetna. During these discussions, we continued to emphasize the importance of providing our participants with excellent coverage, service, and at the most reasonable cost. They, too, share in the same concern for our participants, not only as one of the leading health providers in the nation, but also, because of our long time relationship as a valued customer.

“I am happy to report that beginning May 1 we will experience a small 1% premium increase with no plan changes. Yes, only a 1% increase for the 2009-2010 year beginning May 1st. This marks the fifth year in a row that our premium increase is far below the national average. We have been able to reach this small increase for the following reasons:

  1. The attention given to the program by the Joint Orthodox Health Insurance Committee.
  2. The outstanding efforts of our advisors, administrator and staff on our behalf.
  3. The dedicated work of the committee and attention to your needs.
  4. Your usage of network providers that accesses the best care and negotiated rates.
  5. Your conscientious efforts and usage of the pharmacy mail order program.
  6. Our long time relationship with Aetna, and sharing in the care given to our participants.

“Therefore, the new monthly premium for a single member will be $815 and for a family will be $1720.

“We thank you for the opportunity to serve you and we assure you that we will continue to work diligently to keep our costs down and to provide the best possible health coverage for all our participants.

“If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call GDC Financial 1-800-785-4432 or me at the Chancery Office 516-922-0550 ext 129.”


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