Orthodox Clergy and Right Wing Activists Attack LGBT Offices in Georgia
OCP News Service – 9/7/21
Tiblisi-Georgia: The organisers of the Pride March in Georgia cancelled their activities as a result of attacks by Georgian Orthodox Clergy and Righ Wing Activists. According to a 24 France report, the protesters damaged the offices of several LGBT organisations in Tiblisi as well as attacked journalists. However, the organisers of the Pride parade managed to hold a protest in front of the Georgian parliament.
❗️Footage of hate groups attacking our office.. horrific and no police presence..
❓Where was the state today?! Where were governance and democracy?! Absolute failure of state institutions! #Georgia #TbilisiPride21 #TbilisiPride2021 pic.twitter.com/9ctysIEoIb
— Giorgi Tabagari (@Tabagari) July 5, 2021
The office of the Pride Prade in Georgia has accused the Georgian government of its pale response to the attacks. The statement reads that “Premier Irakli Garibashvili’s shameful, violent, anti-state and anti-Western statement, in which he transferred responsibility and aggression vectors to activists, is the coordinated violent, encouraging and Russian politics of our political government, Georgian Patriarchate and pro-Russian groups. The inactivity of the executive government put the health and life of Georgian citizens in real danger”.
It was also reported that there were several Georgian Orthodox priests among the protestors. It is a well-known fact that the fight against LGBT has undue support from the Georgian Orthodox Church
OCP News Service