Open Invitation Survey for Orthodox Christian Faithful
Saint Catherine’s Vision – 15/8/17
Kindly complete the Survey Here
Saint Catherine’s Vision is pleased to announce its Executive Director, Dr. Kyriaki Karidoyanes FitzGerald, has been invited to serve as a representative of the Orthodox Church at an international conference hosted by the World Council of Churches: “Consultation on the Role of Women in the Churches” to be held October 3-7th, 2017 at the Monastery of Bose, in Bose, Italy. Dr. Fitzgerald will speak on the “Challenges and Opportunities of the Role of Women in the Church from a Theological Perspective”.
This international conference (and certainly, Dr. FitzGerald’s topic) is of extraordinary significance. Its impact depends not only on the speakers but also on their capacity to express the lived experiences of women whose work is directly connected to “building up the body of Christ.” (Eph. 4:12). Pan-Orthodox collaboration with the faithful is indeed, crucial.
The consultation will assess developments regarding the participation of women in Christian churches since the 1980’s. To engage as many faithful Orthodox Christian men and women as possible, SCV is reaching out through this “Open Invitation Survey” to facilitate candid and constructive input for this historic event.
Deadline for participation in the survey is September 20, 2017. The responses from the surveys will be referenced in Dr. FitzGerald’s presentation and highlighted during the October Consultation. After the Consultation, we will release more details through a report relating more of our findings.
To participate in this important survey and for further information, please click on this link:
Open Invitation Survey for Orthodox Faithful
We ask members and friends of SCV (both old and new friends!) to pray these findings may be helpful toward the discernment of future initiatives for the sake of “building up the body of Christ”.