Northeast American Diocese Responds to COVID-19 Pandemic
The Diocesan Council of the Northeast American Diocese, under the presidentship of His Grace Zachariah Mar Nicholovos, have been meeting over the past weeks over video conferencing. The council acknowledges the immensely difficult and unprecedented time we all are enduring through, especially our Diocese being one of the most critically affected areas.
Citing the spiritual, emotional, and potential financial strain our faithful are experiencing, His Grace Zachariah Mar Nicholovos, and the Northeast American Diocesan Council will be taking the following measures to support our faithful:
A memorial service will be held for all those who have passed away due to the COVID-19 pandemic, especially the beloved members of our Diocese. In addition to this, a prayer of supplication for all first responders and medical personnel will also be offered.
Under the leadership of Reverend Father Varghese M. Daniel, Ph. D, the Diocesan Secretary, a Crisis Support Team compromised of clinically trained clergy and laity (social workers, chaplains, mental health therapists, psychologists) to address any traumatic experience(s) this pandemic may have caused.
The Diocese is coordinating efforts to offer financial assistance to faithful in our Diocese, who have been significantly impacted by this pandemic. Faithful who are enduring through such circumstances are requested to contact our Diocesan Secretary, Father Dr. Varghese M. Daniel via email dsfrvmd@gmail.com.
The Diocesan Metropolitan commented on the initiatives of the Diocese: “The Church, being the body of Christ, holds great responsibility in caring for the spiritual needs of our people. When our people suffer, we identify with them in their suffering. Together with the Diocesan Council, and the clergy of our Diocese, we reaffirm our love and concern for our faithful.”
The Diocesan Secretary, Reverend Father Varghese M. Daniel calls upon any of our faithful or well-wisher(s), to offer their generous assistance in any of these endeavors.