MISSIONS OPPORTUNITY: Mission Outreach to Mexico
Orthodox Christian Mission Centre Announcement – April 2014
Consider joining an OCMC Orthodox Mission Team to Mexico in 2014. Be a visible expression of solidarity with the faithful at the Mission of San Esteban the first Martyr, outside of Mexico City.
This team to Mexico has been invited to offer youth and adult catechism, and to be part of the life of the Church in Mexico. This is a unique opportunity to engage the faithful of Mexico, share your Faith and be a part of a Christian witness. The dates are July 5 – July 12, 2014. Participants with experience in youth ministry and catechism are urged to apply. Conversational Spanish is recommended.
Mission Teams serve our Holy Orthodox Church’s unending mission effort to make disciples by sharing in a journey of Faith. If you are interested in serving in His vineyard, contact OCMC.
Team applications, details and additional opportunities are available online at www.ocmc.org or call the OCMC at 1.877.463.6787 (ext 142) for more information.
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