Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev refused to become a candidate for Patriarch

Kiev, January 19, Interfax – Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev and All Ukraine refused to run for Moscow patriarchal see.

Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church a month ago offered to support Metropolitan Vladimir at the patriarchal elections during the Local Council. However, the Moscow Patriarchate considered it inaccurate to promote their candidate prescheduled as the Local Council, which is to open in Moscow on January 25, should name the candidates.

“Today, there is too much talking about who is going to come to the patriarchal see. I am among possible candidates, as they see a successor of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II in me,” Metropolitan Vladimir said at a meeting of the delegates to the coming Local Council held this weekend in Kiev.

“I am sincerely grateful for such high honor, but I wish to go to God as the 121st Metropolitan of Kiev. Let God and your choice point out to the one who is going to become the sixteenth Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia,” the Metropolitan was quoted as saying by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church website.


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