Metropolitan Damaskinos of Adrianopole Passed Away


His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, sent a condolences telegramme at the passing away of His Eminence Damaskinos Papandreou, Metropolitan of Adrianoupolis, which we render below:

His Eminence JEREMIAS,
Greek Orthodox Metropolitan of Switzerland,
Ecumenical Patriarchate

Your Eminence,

It is with deep Christian sorrow that we have learned of the passing away from this world, after a long illness, of His Eminence Damaskinos Papandreou, Metropolitan of Adrianoupolis, your predecessor as Metropolitan of Switzerland, a close friend of the Romanian Orthodox Church that he so much esteemed.

Metropolitan Damaskinos’ longstanding friendship and cooperation with our Church has been deepened and enriched throughout more than three decades, from his election as Metropolitan of Switzerland, in 1982, until 2003, when he retired due to serious health problems.

At this moment of mourning for the entire Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Switzerland, whom late Metropolitan Damaskinos has served so faithfully as hierarch, we pray God to rest his soul in the light of His Resurrection and of His eternal Kingdom.

May his memory be eternal!

Patriarch of Romania


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