Mel Gibson to Make Movie on Peshmurians Copts

Mel Gibson

It has bee reported that the American Producer and director Mel Gibson’s next movie about Peshmurians Copts war against Islam in Egypt .

Who are the Peshmurians?

He lived the people of Peshmurians in the sandy area on the coast of the Delta between the Rasheed & Damietta River, where It was surrounded by swamps and woodlands, which hinder the movement of soldiers, heroes and who were not them know nature of the region, which helped heroes Peshmurians to give soldiers the invaders a lesson immortalized by history and will remain firmly in the mind to forever.

The cause of the revolution:

Happens to be an injustice to the increased tax collectors and doubled the tribute to the Copts and stressed the noose around them, the HP all people of the country as one massive revolution revolutionaries … not an exaggeration to say that she was used like a regular war where the strategy of the region. The result of this revolution to defeat the invading army a humiliating defeat. Provided them the governor followed by tax collectors, making safe the Abbasid caliph in Baghdad sends his brother Mu’tasim at the head of army of four thousand troops to support the occupation armies put down the revolt Coptic and despite the brutality of the campaign and the slaughter of children, the elderly and outrages, but the Revolution Coptic subsided did not subside, forcing safe to send another army of the Turks led by “Afshin” Turkish revolutionaries they fought against him for torturing and killing of the army a multitude, then stripped them last they broken his Army …

Afshin has failed completely to suppress Peshmurians, forcing him to write to the Abbasid Caliph al-Ma’mun at this time students spend on supplies for the revolution that broke out everywhere in an attempt to get rid of the yoke of tyrants.

Some are trying to outline the reasons for the revolution it is because of taxes and not motivated by religious or national.

Here I want to ask you so many martyrs, who witnessed these revolutions are due to taxes? Any kind of tax which pays hundreds of martyrdom????

Then he can be canceled Caliph of these taxes, but the crowd …. You are calm

How did the revolution?

Caliph al-Ma’mun was forced to crawl himself at the head of the army from Baghdad to Egypt to put down the revolt and almost Rebel Army who would do away safe and treason and who appear from time to time by the enemy of good.

The Abbasid Caliph to resort to the most insidious ways or unfair for the Eradication of the rebel, so he summoned the Mar. Dionysius,Syriac Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and called him Jousab I Patriarch of the Copts and asked them under threat to cooperate with him to suppress the Copts, have been answered sadly request safe and executed powers of the rebels a message with tips and sermons to urge the rebels to lay down their arms and surrender to the governors of the Prince. At the time that the rebels in desperate need of aid material and moral so that they can get rid of injustice and tyranny of foreign leaders as spiritual fooled to surrender. There is no doubt that such a move by the religious leaders had a major impact on the Copts, more than all the armies of safe. But despite all this, our fathers refused Copts in pride and pride, then these tips submissive and preferred to give their lives to Egypt. Of course, after killing their resolve Peshmurians army entered the country and burning towns, destroying churches and killing their young, and took their women and had evacuated the islands of the Caliph Roman men under him and into Baghdad. “The Al-Maqrizi, saying in a shortcut:” rose Copts Voouka them, “Alovchen” on the rule of the faithful Abdullah safe sentenced them to kill the men and selling women and offspring, Fbiawa, and took most of them, then has been humiliated Copts in all the land of Egypt .. “In spite of all the revolutions that were a true reflection of the Coptic nationalist movements, national, and which represents an essential dimension in the Coptic character, since the greater the abuse and persecution, the greater the revolution. Indeed, it is whatever is said about the persecution of Christians in the era of Diocletian, the Romans and the abuse and crushing the Egyptian people was exponentially in the Arab period, as it was their time as a rash and dangerous attempts to exterminate the peaceful Coptic people who love their country, and venerated … Yes, they were attempts to exterminate the Copts and replacement Bhrazm Arabs fleeing the poverty of waterless desert country primitive to achieve Egypt’s great civilization and great …

-Mel Gibson and the Copts Peshmurians:

Mel Gibson said that the “Revolution is Peshmurians his next film already and we must help him and to press out of this work to light because it is already the best gift for the blood of our ancestors.

For information was put down the revolution a major cause of the spread of Islam in Egypt, but became the majority religion but also made many of the Copts emigrated from Egypt.

There are many beautiful stories that increase our pride in our ancestors and we know they were not up for grabs, or they did not succumb to the clutches of the occupation.


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    […] a comment » OBL News reports: It has been reported that the American Producer and director Mel Gibson’s next movie […]

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    shenouda 15 years

    goooooooo Mel gooooooooooooo
    adapt this issues copts great heros more than 300 spartans

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    Great work Mel

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    Mina Nabil 14 years

    greaaaat , does any one know when the movie will be released in theatres ?

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    Dbxbk177 14 years

    waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiting 4 it

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    Cvgtcvt 14 years

    woooooooooooooooooooooooooow gooood film 
    hurry up mil

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    Tom_rob18 14 years

    can’t wait 

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    Emad 14 years

    Mel Gibson is not American, he is Australian. 

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    Menasharaby 14 years


    I am so glad that one like Mel Gibson will make movie about peshmurians copts so I will be the first one to go theater movie.

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    Melva_davinci 14 years

    I CAN’T WAIT  !!!!!!!!!!!

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    Mena 14 years

    Day after day and you make me proud…God bless you MEL !
    ”Revolution is Peshmurians”

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    guest 13 years

    You MUST hire someone to do better English translations of ALL of your articles if you intend it to be read in English. The translation is VERY poor and does not make sense. Please do something about this for all of us who speak English and really WOULD like to read your articles!!!

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    Mina 13 years

     I question the truth behind this story.  Only because it’s been about a year, and I heard nothing yet about it.

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    Chritsian coptic 13 years

    Followers we are christian , because this news is wrong and Dostor newspaper make it throught christian writer his name Peter Magdy and they take the news from their Dostor  resources in USA and it was wrong Mel Gibson will make Movie  upcoming Judah Maccabee movie

    We Trunded to Followers no More and we dont search for the Truth of the news and always hear

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    Daniel_yousif 13 years

    All the respect for this man, I really hope that one day they will make a movie about us (the christians of MENA) so the whole world will see the true about what happend to us. 

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    Northpolesherif 13 years

    why he didn’t make a movie about:
    -the Red Indians that were persecuted by the Europeans?

    -the Africans who were brought to Europe and North and south America, killed, persecuted and treated like animals?

    -the Spanish Isabella and Ferdenand who get rid of Muslims and Jews in Iberia penensula(now Spain) and were forced to leave their land or to turn to Christianlity or to be Killed?

    -the Jews that were killed by Germans in the 30’s and the 40’s?

    -the Jews who were persecuted in all europe in the middle ages?

    -how Christinality spread in Ancient Egypt and how New believers(Christians) got rid of Pagan Ancient Egyptians by killing and persecuting till Christinaliy became the main religion in Egypt?(remember Hypatia who was great Philosopher in Alexandria ACCUSED of being pagan and the mob of Christians murdered her by scraping her skin off with tiles and bits of shell after removing her clothes and then burned her body remains!!

    -the European Crusaders who invaded the Muslim world and killed and occuped their lands?

    -the European Imperialism in the whole world?

    Mel Gibson has to consentrate on something else and to stop intervening in the future of Egyptians and their relationship together because the Goal of such movie is very clear…

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    Northpolesherif 13 years

    By the way it seems a false the new movie for Mel Gibson is that one:

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