Meeting of Patriarch Bartholomew and Patriarch Kirill

On October 6 2013, His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, met yesterday in Podgorica. The Primates of two Churches are in Podgorica on the occasion of the consecration of the Cathedral church of the Resurrection of God in Podgorica

Patriarch Bartholomew and Patriarch Kirill discussed about issues of the Orthodox cooperation and relation between two Patriarchates. On behalf of the Russian Orthodox Church on the meeting there were President of the Department for External Church Relations Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, protopresbyter Nikolay Balashov and protopresbyter Igor Jakimchuk, while on behalf of the Ecumenical Patriarchate on the meeting there were Metropolitan Emanuel of France, Secretary General of the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate Archimandrite Bartholomew (Samaras) and archdeacon Maxim (Vgenopoulos).


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