Let’s Help a Single Mother on Mother’s Day (Serbia)
Slavica Jovanovic from Kursumlija is a single mother raising 3 girls: Marija (10), Andrijana (6) and Vera (3). After the tragic death of her husband, she was left unable to provide her daughters. The only source of income is a child allowance that can not meet the basic needs of a single family.
Lack of financial support has also left the Jovanovic family struggling to keep their house in living conditions. The deficiency of a washing machine, groceries, hygiene products, and school supplies is the families largest concern. Nevertheless, it has become our biggest priority to provide these basic amenities to them.
Together, we hope that we will meet and help this brave and devoted mother on International Women’s Day.
Online Donations:
PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/28jun
Credit Card: https://28jun.org/#donate
Donacije iz Srbije:
Ime: 28. JUN
Dinarski racun broj: 265619031000037746
Raiffeisen banka Srbije
Donacije iz Nemacke/Austrije/Svajcarske:
Name: 28 Jun
IBAN: CH61 0070 0114 8022 1711 9
Zürcher Kantonalbank
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