IOCC – Bolstering Uganda’s Fight Against COVID-19
IOCC – 3/11/2020
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In Uganda, millions were facing challenges around health and food security even before the pandemic struck. With funding from the IOCC Foundation, a new project in the capital of Kampala is helping the Uganda Orthodox Medical Bureau (UOMB) fight COVID-19.
Partnering with the UOMB, IOCC has donated equipment and supplies—including personal protective equipment and other hygiene materials— to hospitals throughout the bureau’s network, both urban and rural.
In a special ceremony, His Grace Bishop Silvestros of Gulu and Eastern Uganda dedicated the new equipment and officially launched the program, with the blessings of His Eminence Metropolitan Jonah of Kampala and All Uganda. The launch took place at Holy Cross Orthodox Hospital, with health-safety measures in place and taking care to observe local protocols on public gatherings. Deliveries continue at health facilities throughout the country.
In addition to providing equipment and supplies, the project is training staff and improving communications, ensuring medical staff can consistently reach each other by mobile phone (the most reliable way to communicate in Uganda), and educating thousands of community members on preventing infection. Leveraging the Church’s network, IOCC can reach more people; for instance, local priests are helping share best practices for staying healthy amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Overall, this program is taking concrete steps to prevent the virus’s spread and to protect health workers as they serve those who are ill.
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