Indian Ambassador Anurag Sreevasthava Visits Patriarch Abune Mathias of Ethiopia

(From L) His Excellency Anurag Sreevasthava – Indian Ambassador to Ethiopia, His Holiness Abune Mathias – Patriarch of Ethiopia, Mr. V. Suresh – Second Secretary at Indian Embassy, Fr Dr. Jossi Jacob – Professor of Holy Trinity Theological College and delegate of the Indian Orthodox Malankara Church to the Ethiopian Church.
OCP News Service – Ethiopia – 6/6/17
Addis Ababa- Ethiopia– His Excellency Mr. Anurag Sreevasthava, the Honorable Ambassador of India to Ethiopia paid a visit to HH Abune Mathias – I, Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, Ichege of the See of St. Tekle Haymanot and Archbishop Of Axum on 5th June 2017. The meeting between the Patriarch and the Ambassador was held at the Patriarchal Palace in Addis Ababa. Ambassador was accompanied by Mr. V.Suresh, (Second Secretary, Embassy of India, Addis Ababa). Fr. Dr. Jossi Jacob, (Professor of Holy Trinity Theological College and delegate of the Indian Orthodox Malankara Church to the Ethiopian Church) was present for the occasion.
The Patriarch recollected the historical connection and strong bond of communion between the Ethiopian and Malankara (Indian) Orthodox Churches and expressed his wish to get support from the Indian Embassy for organizing more mutual visits of Church dignitaries and to execute various exchange programs. His Holiness recollected vivid memories of the recent visit to India as the guest of honor of Malankara (Indian) Orthodox Church (November 2016).
HE the Ambassador mentioned about the age-old cultural interactions and historical relationship between India and Ethiopia. H.E. also expressed the Indian Embassy’s interest in cooperating with the Ethiopian Orthodox Church for implementing healthcare projects in Ethiopia, to which the Patriarch responded with great joy.
The Ambassador handed over courtesy gifts to the Patriarch. The meeting was extremely cordial and it was effective in opening new roads of cooperation with the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Ethiopian Orthodox Church is the largest religious community in the country which covers half of Ethiopia’s total population.
OCP News Service
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