How can cinema represent spirituality? The lesson of Michel Viegnes (University of Fribourg)

St Tikon Orthodox University – October 2014

On 12th September, in the conference room of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University, Michel Viegnes, professor of French literature at the University of Fribourg, held a lesson titled “How can cinema represent spirituality”. Professor Viegnes came thanks to the agreement between St. Tikhon Orthodox University and the University of Fribourg (Switzerland), which was signed in November 2013, and his visit was sponsored by the Swiss Embassy in Moscow.

The public was asked to watch some scenes from “Andrey Rublev” (A. Tarkovsky), “Francesco, giullare di Dio” (R. Rossellini), “Sous le soleil de Satan” (Maurice Pialat), in order to see how in cinema technical procedures can help in representing the spiritual experience of people.

The lesson was held in English and translated into Russian. The speech was followed by questions and remarks.



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